Apr 23
Bid ended

2024-010CVB Videography Services #15370

Tupelo, MS (T-NR-E)


Bidding Closed

Bid Date 4/23/24 5:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Tupelo
Traci Dillard  
662-841-6513 (ext:114)

NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Tupelo will receive proposals from well qualified firms until 5:00 p.m. CST on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at PO Box 1485/71 East Troy Street, Tupelo, MS 38802 for the following:


The Tupelo Convention and Visitors Bureau (Tupelo CVB”) is accepting proposals from well qualified videographers to support Tupelo CVB’s digital content marketing strategies through videography services. Qualified videographers will have a working knowledge of the tourism industry, and experience and knowledge in producing, editing, and delivering the highest quality video footage of Tupelo CVB’s partners and key assets.

Tupelo CVB intends to contract with a qualified videographer to support its continued recovery efforts, stemmed from the negative economic impacts of COVID-19. This contract will be funded through federal ARPA dollars for Mississippi Tourism Recovery, II, and all applicants must agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the standard services contract which includes the American Rescue Plan Act Mandatory Addendum and the Mandatory Addendum to all City of Tupelo Contracts. Detailed specifications and forms/documents can be downloaded from the City of Tupelo’s website at https://www.tupelomsbids.com. Proposals must be mailed and/or hand delivered at the address below and received no later than 5:00 p.m. CST on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. Electronic bids may be submitted in lieu of paper bids at www.tupelomsbids.com. Proposals should be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked with your Company Name, the Request for Bid Number, Proposal Name and sent to City of Tupelo - c/o Traci Dillard, Controller at P.O. Box 1485/71 East Troy Street, Tupelo, MS 38802 during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. No Videographer may withdraw his/her proposal within thirty (30) days after date of opening proposals without the consent of the Tupelo Convention and Visitors Bureau.

The Tupelo Convention and Visitors Bureau reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all proposals and waive informalities in bidding.

The City of Tupelo is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The City of Tupelo encourages Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBEs) to submit bids.

This bid solicitation will be submitted to the Agency Bid Bank at agencybidbank@mississippi.org.